Hello, my name is George, but not the same as George from @kzmvburgers ! I’m writing burger reviews at @BurgMeOn since 5 years ago and for some time we have known each other. We have a common passion – buns full of surprises! Straight from London, he orders from @Old Buddies in Varna their Formaggie burger!

How tasty is the Motherf*#$&r? – 8/10

The burger had:

  • beef patty
  • double cheddar
  • deep-fried melted cheese
  • Parmesan
  • fresh red onion
  • pickles
  • mayo with blue cheese.

The patty is beef, mostly muscle and well done. A little bit dry, but the cheeses take control here. Give this part – 1,5/2,5.

The bun is standard, fluffy with hot-stamped name logo of @Old Buddies. Very fresh and from all this moisture from the cheeses and the sauce is a bit clumsy, but holds the burger whole all the time. The score here is 2/2,5.

The turn is for the garnish around the patty – double cheddar is a perfect addition for the beef. Deep-fried melted cheese is like little bombs, exploding in your mouth for pouring out warm cheese in it. Good experience! Added parmesan and pickles are for increasing of the Umami flavour. Red onion gives colour and freshness on the face of “heavy” burger. Overall I don`t have much to add or criticize, give 2,5/2,5.

The sauce is only one – mayo with blue cheese. Very un-intruding is the presence of blue cheese, which has a very dominating flavour. The sauce is a dense, creamy and good addition for other stuff. But only one. Give 2/2,5. All together gives 8 out of 10 and I can tell you that this burger is one of my Top 3 at @Old buddies.

Thanks to @kzmvburgers for the collaboration and will be very happy for future challenges. You can follow me in Facebook and Instagram @Burg_me_on #burg_me_on  #burgmeon

Burger joint venue and overall experience? 

Quirkiness level of the experience? –