I have visited Honest burgers on Bank so many times now, it can be difficult to surprise me. I have had almost every single burger including seasonal ones. However, it is still a decent place for good food, good beer and to catch up with friends. I was happy to find a new burger with an interesting recipe that I haven’t tried yet… the Fondue

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m22!1m12!1m3!1d5299.493519297653!2d-0.09103479468265721!3d51.51258210890091!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m7!3e6!4m0!4m4!1s0x4876035377211ff9%3A0x70ea525c70b6e50f!3m2!1d51.5132601!2d-0.08727739999999999!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1513103669227&w=600&h=450]

How tasty is the Motherf*#$&r? – 8.5/10

I always exepect the same with Honest. Decent patty, good ingredients, good recipe, less focus on the cheese and more focus on the bacon

  • Beef
  • Five-cheese Fondue
  • Crispy Pancetta
  • White Wine Onions
  • Rocket
  • Pickles
  • Brioche

The beef is possibly the biggest weakness of the Honest burgers. The lack of spices and the very plain flavour is preasent in almost every single burger. Yes, it puts forward the rest of the ingredients but as a burger you should almost always think for the meat first. I understand that there are plenty of purists out there but for a pure taste I believe you need a very simple burger and that is not usually what Honest offers. The recipes have plenty of toppings and the toppings are tasty but the meat is almost never at the forefront

Talking about the meat, I think one of the best pairs with a beef patty is not bacon. It is the Panacetta. Every single time I have had panacetta there has been a flavour explosion in my mouth. There aren’t any dominating flavours yet the porky presence is so evident. It is much easier to eat and it doen’st dominated the unflavoured patty

The big accent of thes burger is the cheese… its in the name. I ate the burger with a Swiss and I can vouch that he liked it too. The burger was cheesy in the right way! The flaovour was there in every bite. It was nutty, it was fatty, it was stretchy and it really went well with the rest of the burgers.

I love rocket and its flavour was felt through each of the burger bites.  The rocket together with the onions and pickles made for a very good salad that was sweet, sour and was restarting the fpallet. Overall the burger and the toppings made me very happy and they pushed the flavour in a very Swiss/Italian direction that suits it very well

Burger joint venue and overall experience? – 7/10

Good beer, great fries, great service!

Quirkiness level of the experience? – 6//10

I haven’t had 5 cheeses on a burger but I was well impressed and the overall Intalian/Swiss twist on it made me happy