This week I’m visiting Budapest. A very nice city that so far has welcomed me with very homey food. I “accidentally” ended up close to a burger place that was highly rated. Seeing the amount of meat in Hungarian cuisine, had me excited about the burger.


How tasty is the Motherf*#$&r? – 8/10

Not sure if you will agree with me but Hungarian food tends to be full of interesting spices and crosses between Central and Eastern European food. Naturally I was surprised

Size: Large

The burger had:

  • Beef Patty
  • Gorgonzola
  • Bacon Jam
  • Green Salad
  • Brioche Bun

The patty was very interesting. Typically for eastern Europe and sadly without asking the meat was well done. The spices were strong, they suited the meat but were quite different from what you might be used to. There was an interesting smoky taste to the spices that was pushing the meat in a different direction it kind of made it more gamy. I didn’t like the fact the patty was breaking apart, otherwise it was a great experience.

The Gorgonzola is a great moldy cheese for burgers. It isn’t dominating the other tastes it is creamy and melts beautifully and works perfectly with sweet flavours like the bacon jam. I have nothing to complain and only to recommend… MORE GORGONZOLA ON BURGERES! The jam was a nice addition and was one of the factors playing with the beef patty taste. It was enhancing even more the smoky note coming from the patty’s spices

The salad was there but with all the strong flavours, fat from the cheese were smudging it away on the bottom of the burger so I would put much more. I would substitute it with spinach to get the most balance out of the flavours.

Burger joint venue and overall experience? – 4/10

It is a small burger joint with a nice choice of drinks and a lot of basic burgers and only one quirky burger.

Quirkiness level of the experience? – 5/10

It is a nice fairly simple burger nothing too quirky about it except for the patty.